Saturday, February 14, 2009

Day 30: Chucked Cool World for SNES at a plastic bag in a tree AND ate Braunschweiger

For the 30th day, I've got a double dip. 30 days was an original goal in the introduction.

First, there's this plastic grocery bag out in the alley that blew up into this tree, way high, like 75 yards up the tree. In the wind it flippity-flaps all around and is an irritant to me and all the neighbors. Finally I was like "I've had enough of that racket" so I grabbed the cheapest, worst SNES game I could find.
Right after I threw it I was like 'Shit, what if its one of those super rare games and it's worth $10011. I could use ten-thousand-and-eleven dollars.' Luckily it's not.

I missed the plastic bag, but the game shattered in the alley. This is all I could find.
Cool World was one of the dumbest games. You like jump and try to earn tokens and cats chase you down and then its game over in like 30 seconds. I don't miss it. You like press 'A' and he dashes and then some car hits you and you have to buy a typewriter. I'd even rather play that 3-D cat game for the Atari Jaguar.

I also ate a Braunschweiger.
This is what it looked like when I was done.(Hint: it's all gone.)

A tribute, since it's gone now.

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