Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 39: Worked in a booth

My job pays $20 an hour to sit in some booth at a festival. It's some good money on the side to just sit there like a dumb trained baboon.

We have little notepads and crap for people to take, and everyone approaches all suspicious looking and you go 'Hi how's it going?' and they're like 'Fine thanks.' all curt, like 'what are you going to try to sell me?' and I'm thinking 'I'm not trying to sell anything I'm just trying to stand here for three hours and then leave.' and then all sheepish they're like 'can I take one of these?' or 'are these for free?' and I'm like 'oh of course!' and they take it all giddy and walk away. They probably throw it away when they leave and realize how worthless it is. You'll be trying to have some office gossip about who's going to get laid off next and then some old lady will walk up and interrupt you.

I found myself saying 'there ya go...' about a hundred times, cause people would go 'oh I can use this notepad for my desk at work' or 'oh my granddaughter will love this' and I would say 'there ya go.' I was sure happy when I got to leave. It was hard acting phony for that long.

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