Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 23: Went to parking ticket court.

I got there and the guy was like 'you have to take off your belt.' to go through the xray machine where you put all your change and Dentyne Ice and pocket knives. And I was like ' take off my belt? what do you want me to do a strip teeze? Bring out the sexy lady cop and maybe I'll do it...

But anywayz. So then this lady is like "Guilty with a exclamation." and the judge is like 'ma'am there is no officer presents.' and the woman is like "I'm guilty, but I had no intent, I have a exclamation.' and the judge is like 'ma'am I'll ask you again, what is your please?' and she's like 'I'm trying to tell you I'm guilty." and finally the crowd was like 'just say not guilty!' and she finally did.

And then everyone in the crowd was doing that snort-sinus noise where they're like snorting snot from their sinus into their throat! God! I hate that noise, only poor people make that noise...

When my turn came up the police officer wasn't there, which is good cause it was a $225 ticket. I parked in a handycaps zone. Before you think I was a jerk, the spot I parked in had a parking meter, I walked up and down the block looking for signs, no signs, but I got a ticket. Later I looked, there were signs like a mile away and they were covered with trees! Anyway, I got off scotch free, so it worked out.

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