Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Day 21: Played the Last Stand 2

Playing a video game? I know, pretty lame. But I promise I've got GREAT ones coming tomorrow and Friday. To be honest, I was going to whip a bouncy ball against the road wicked hard, but I got cold feet when I saw all the cars parked around. It was really cold, and I realized how foolish I would seem when I tried to explain that I broke someone's windshield at 2:30 a.m. because I was slamming a bouncy ball against the street by myself for a blog that no one reads.

Anyway, this game is really sick, you get to murder a bunch of zombies and use a lot of cool weapons. The compound bow is underrated and take out the body-armored zombies with leg shots. For others aim for the head. Complaints are that there's not enough time to search every building in the game, you have to pick and choose.

I can't wait for Last Stand 3.

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