Sunday, February 22, 2009

Day 38: Supped upon a Taco Bell Platter

I got the Spicy Chicken Enchiladas platter. I had to work all day and at like 1 a.m. I was tired and starving and I really just wanted to shove some food down my throat so I could start drinking whiskey. I wanted something that was hearty and good and still open, so I went to Taco Bell and I saw these platters, and I was like 'Now I can have a classy fiesta.'

This 'FourthMeal' came with nankins, a plastic knife, a spork (individually wrapped), and packets of hot sauce, and it came in a lovely display case.
There was a thing of very chunky salsa, it had like whole stewed tomatoes in it, and what seemed like six chips. It seemed like there was no way there would be enough chips, but each one dug up a ton of stewed tomatoes, and some of the chips slid under the enchilada case, so it was plenty of chips. The rice was regular old rice, what the hell am I gonna say. I sprayed some hot sauce on there. These refried beans with cheese melted all over them was a nice touch. I ate it all up and used the chip crumbs to sop up the rest. The enchiladas were pretty good, I liked how they put sour cream on there. I tried cutting them with the spork but it didn't cut through the chicken very good. I should have used the knife, but in my fervor I never even unwrapped it. All in all I would rate this platter 7 out of 10. The next image should reveal how satisfied I was with it.In the interest of full disclosure I shall reveal that I also ordered a 99 cent double beef burrito and ate it on the car ride home, and my large drink with the value meal was a sweet tea.

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