Sunday, February 1, 2009

Day 18: Ordered 100 nuggets

I was hosting a The Big Game party, and you know, snacks can get pretty expensive. I didn't want to seem like a total cheapskate so I needed to provide SOME food, but I didn't want to break the bank. So on the dollar menu, you can get four nuggets for $1. That's a quarter a nugg. That's 100 nuggs for $25. That's cheap catering for a party when you could spend like $800 for some eight foot Hoahgie...

So I go into my local MickeyDillies, and it's not crowded, its like 3:45 p.m., so I'm like "oh good." I walk up there and I'm like, "Can I have 25 four piece nuggets?"

Here's why I did that instead of getting 10 ten pieces, or five 20 pieces: its cheaper. You save like $3 over the 20 piece system and like $5 over the 10 piece system. Anyway, the guy is like:

"Are you serious? Is this a joke?"
and I was like
"No, I want the nuggets."
and he was like
"Are you serious? Are you playin?"
and I was like
"I don't want any trubble. I only want nuggets."
and he was like
"Is this a joke?"
and I was like
"No look, here's the money."
and he was like
"Hah-HAH! You playin'?"
and I was like
"No I'm not playing, I'll be playing once I have all those nuggets, but I'm not playing a joke, if that's what you mean."
and he was like
"25 four piece nuggets? Are you for real?"
and I was like
"I'm a nugg-nut."
and he was like
"S'r'ous? Faah Real!?"
and I was like
"I'm a dollar menunaire."

And finally he believed me and for a few minutes it was awesome, because the entire staff of this McDonalds was putting together four piece nuggets, even the manager came up and was talking in her little walkie talkie and she was like "*Crackle*What? 25-four piece nuggs?*Crackle*Sparkle*Chatter*Over and out*" and they were all muttering things like "Damn...25 4-piece nuggets? That's like 100 nuggets..." and "Dang! I couldn't even eat 10 nuggets without being full..." and "Dang! Playin'?" and "F'a'areal son?"

In case anyone's wondering, it was EXACTLY 100 nuggets (I was hoping in all the confusion I'd get a few for free.) and also, they got eaten damn quick. SO they were a hit. Last time they went even quicker, so this time I waited until everyone had filled up on chips before I presented them on the serving table, and they were still gone in flash. I probably got about 6 to 8 of them and they were GOOD. I had to reheat them in the oven at like 250 for about ten-15 minutes.

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