Monday, February 2, 2009

Day 19: Spotted a UFO

No, this web log didn't just "jump the shark." I actually spotted this weird object flying through the sky and I couldn't identify it. I'm not claiming that it was a flying saucer...

I noticed it at first because it looked like an airplane, except that it was shining this really cool flood light out of the front. It was pretty cloudy so I could see this crazy floodlight reflecting off all these ominous dark clouds. I was like "it's so cool!" Then I thought about trying to photograph it for this Web log with my digital cam, but by the time I looked back up it was gone. I'm not even sh!tting you. I was really mystified myself. I was like "no way..." I think I said that out loud even though I was by myself.

Now it's possible that the plane turned off that big flood light, or flew behind some clouds (!?), but I'm telling you it was STRANGE.

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