Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 35: Contrived a new can crushing device

Non-crushed cans.

I guess its really not that new, it was just a big green board that I found in the basement and laid across a bunch of empty cans.
Big green board. Heavy. Patent pending.

Then I jumped off the back stoop onto it. I guess its a simple machine, and I guess it would be a lever, because I jumped on it and then it became a lever between my feet and the cans, and it transferred all my weight to the cans so its a lever. It worked fair, but not perfect I would say.

Mixed results.

The cans were not crushed totally flat, like when I stamp them with my foot individually, but it did crush them sufficiently, more than halfway, and much more efficiently than one at a time. But I guess as they say, if you're going to do a half-assed job, you might as well not even bother.

If any of you brainiacs out there have a better way to use this device to smash the cans better, please let me know. Like spreading them out more? I'll try that next time. Or maybe I could have a friend link arms with me and jump at the same time. Maybe I could find a heavy, but beautiful, lady friend to link arms with me and jump onto that board, otherwise I would look a bit silly linking arms and jumping on to the board with some other bloke, wouldn't I? Or maybe I could violently extend my legs as I hit the board to increase the force. Although then people might think I've gone mad.

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