Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 34: Fixed a Mamma Celeste Meatball Pizza for One

I had to work until 2 a.m., and I hadn't eaten for like 11 hours, and when I did it was a peanut butter sandwich (no toppings, just peanut butter (OK I added some Smart Balance) hopefully it wasn't that Samanella kind, and it was on a wheat tortilla, not even wholesome Wonder Bread) and a couple of stale Gran crackers. I did eat three Three Musketeers Mint Bites but seriously they're so small. And that was IT.

When I got home I was famished. I ate some quick mixed veggies while I threw the pizza in the oven at 400'. (TIP: throw it in directly on the oven rack, but put some foil or something on the rack beneath to prevent messes.) DO NOT MICROWAVE IT. Unless you want it to taste like sh!t.

I sprayed some bleu cheese dressing, some mustard, and some Texas Pete on there, and it was GOOD. It was so good that now, hours later, when I think about it, I say 'Oh my GOD' out loud. It's probably just cause I was so hungry. I think tomorrow I'll use a Q-pon for a free Chick-Fil-A sandwich.

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