Monday, February 9, 2009

Day 26: Fixed macaroni and cheese with hock dogs cut up in it

Today was Macaroni and Cheese Monday. I fixed it for supper for one. I only used one hock dog, cut up into eight pieces, to make it healthy. I also used Smart Balance Light made with Extra Virgin Olive Oil instead of butter to make it even more healthy. One smart tip I have for you is to dump all the ingredients (once you're done cooking the pasta and hock dog) into one of those RubberWare TupperMaids with the locking lid, and then just shake the hell out of it. Be careful though cause all the heat expands and the lid may pop off a couple times, so don't shake it really wildly until you've bled off some of the steam. Then you don't have to stir it and make a mess as all that powdery cheese spills over the side of the damn pot. Another tip I have for you is don't waste a whole measuring cup to measure out the milk. I've found that if you fill that foil lined pouch that the cheese came in about halfway, that's the right amount. In mine I also added salt, pepper and cayenne pepper ( I like it a little hot). Then on top I added just a squirt of ketchup and bleu cheese dressing (not shown) to jazz up the presentation. It was delish.

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