Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 25: Attended an all-you-can-eat Shrimp festival

It was at a Knights of Columbus Hall. It was also Bull and Oyster roast. I don't care much for seafood, so I didn't eat much of that. I had like one shrimp, a bowl of crab soup, and 0 oysters. I had oysters last year, and that was the last time I vomited. It may also have been from the drinking, cause I drank a ton of beer, or a combination, but I didn't want to tempt fate again.

I started with a cup of coffee, black, with one sugar, and a garden salad with french dressing, croutons and bacon bits, just to get things started.
Next I had a taco.
Then I believe I had the crab soup.
Next up was a pit beef sandwich.
Then I had a sloppy joe with some macaroni salad on the side.
Then I took a little hiatus from eating to do some gambling.
I started with $7 and was up and down on the Big Wheel and the Whiskey wheel, but eventually I was up $1 at 8. I tipped my busser and my bartender $1 each, and then dumped the last $6 into the 50/50 raffle, which I lost.
The break, and a half-hearted BM, made me a little hungry again, and I had a luncheon meat sandwich, a second taco (this time soft shell) and a piece of strawberry cake.
With that out of the way I focused only on drinking, and did a little dancing.
There were lots of fat patriots there. Some of them had those big flaps of flesh behind their elbows, and some of them had that big hump on the front of their waist where their groin should be, its like a front butt. I always wondered what it would look like beneath the Dockers, but I probably wouldn't really like to see it.
I overheard one funny conversation where fatso A said to fatso B, who was replenishing bowls of cheese, "What is this, ground beef?" when pointing to a large bowl of ground beef at the taco station. Fatso B goes "That's taco meat." Fatso A goes "Ahhh..." like now he understood...
As I was leaving I took one last whiz and a guy made a noise in one of the stalls that made me gasp.

Below is high definition video of people there doing the 'lectric slide.

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