Thursday, February 5, 2009


I told you it was going to be good. Gallagher told bawdy jokes about pee and poop, smashed up a bunch of food, and seemed eccentric. His hair was all gray and wispy and he still wore that black and white striped shirt from the 70s. He was silly. He asked "why do ladies wipe their pusies with toilet paper after they pee? It's not called pee paper." and he said he was constipated and men should be able to poop out of the bottom of their feet so then they could wipe their foot on the ground instead of wiping their bottom.

I actually got hit by some mashed potatoes and rice, although it was a fan who hit it and not Gallagher. I tasted it.

He also kept acting xenophobic about middle eastern people and yelling at people when they knocked over a beer bottle.

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