Wednesday, January 14, 2009


OK. Lately I've noticed that I've been doing the same things over and over again each day, so I'm going to start trying to do Something Different Everyday. Like going to eat at an all-you-can-eat Spaghetti Dinner at a church, or going into a used book store, or practicing juggling four items instead of three, or starting a fish tank, or marking my height on the inside of a door frame, or starting a web cam, or posting a video to the Web, or whatever. Each day I'll post the different thing that I did that day, and describe how it went. If it's 11:59 and I haven't done anything different yet, I'll just run outside and do a barrel roll down a hill or something. That day my blog might not come until like 12:35 of the next day. Maybe this will end up like that thing where the guy traded a red paper clip for a sailboat or something.

My first goal is to see if I can do this for 30 days. Maybe you can post ideas for things for me to do. And please say stuff like go get a sample of ice cream from Baskins Robbins or something instead of sit on your thumb and rotate.

Today's thing: started this blog.

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