Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 11: Ate lunch at CiCis

And my stomach is still cranky. They say it's "just five bucks" or "just a little more than five bucks" or whatever, but be prepared to spend ten. It's $5.99, at least near my house, plus a drink, which is $1.79, plus taxes (.47), so now you're at $8.25. Then they have these Yoogie-OH! games and fun little vend machines (I got a cool Arizona Cardinals charm for my cell phone) that you'll be dying to spend all your quarters on.
They had this pop-a-shot game called Hoop Fever. I didn't play it, but I made the joke to my brothers that when I got home I was going to have POOP Fever!
I spent an additional $2, putting me at $10.25 on the day. I shouldn't have brought all those quarters with me, so I wasn't so tempted, but even if you say that, you're still gonna buy the drink. What are you gonna eat all this bready pizza and then have dry mouth, or walk into the bathroom and drink out of the dirty sink when there's this delicious soda fountain right there? So it's definitely not five bucks, don't be fooled.
They had TVs showing sports which was nice. You start off with a salad. It's sort of a nice selection I guess, but don't expect like cottaged cheese and eggs and stuff like they have at the really nice salad bars. You can get like two kinds of lettuce, some plain jane pasta salad, basic vegetables, croutons, and a nice variety of dressings. You can make a decent salad.
Then the pasta is the real loser in the mix. It's like a mix between macaroni and rotini, and clearly no one eats it. The whole pan for the whole restaurant was the size of what like a family of four would eat for one dinner, and no one was eating it. You get two choices of sauce, red or white (I guess its supposed to be alfredo, but it tasted cheesier).
They have cheesy bread, which goes pretty fast, because it's actually good! I like to pour some of the red or white sauce on it! Next is the real moneymaker at CiCis: the pizza. Yeah the slices are kind of small, but they taste fine, and you can get like three of them on your plate and still have room for some other pasta or something. They have a real nice variety too. Some BBQ chicken, buffalo chicken, white pizza, jalapenos, macaroni and cheese pizza, you'll want to keep going up every few minutes to see whats out now. I was like, "With all these varieties, what's next? Egg Rolls Pizza?"
They also have dessert. One of them is just regular pizza with like cinnamon apples on it, that was OK, then they have like a sticky sweet bread thats kind of like a cinnabun. That was SO good!
They also had brownies but I didn't try it.

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