Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 2: Inhorted pepper

You know how in all those cartoons if they sniff pepper they sneeze? Well i gave that a test at Jennings. They call it a cafe, but its not some coffee shop with biscottis.
So I decided to test the theory if pepper makes you sneeze. First I smelled it through those little holes. No sneeze. Next neighbor Tim took the lid off and I smelled it really bad. Still no sneeze. Neighbor Tim said, 'you need to sniff so bad that it makes I noise.' I sniffed SO BAD. Still no sneeze. Finally, I poured some into my hand and sniffed it so bad that the pepper went way into my nose and never came back. It felt like there was something in my nose, sometimes it felt like there was a gentle cigarette ash way up in my nose, but still no sneeze. This myth? Equals busted on the internet!!! Pepper doesn't make you sneeze.

P.S. I had Braunschweiger with plus onions...

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