Thursday, January 29, 2009


I told you it would be something good. P.S. For those of you who never said I'd make it this far: like rottedbody666 and psychokopter2001 and sexsexsexxxxtriplexxx6969. In your face. You never believed in me. You NEVER EVER believed in me, and now it's just in your damn face: so suck it.

So today I took a taste test. The place was just full of exciting Topp Seekrets, so I couldn't take any spy pictures inside with my cel phone, but I did manage to snap these covert ops as I was escaping the fecility.

First off, I thought it was going to be canceled cause of a mix up where they say they're closed if schools are canceled, and schools were canceled, but they said they were still open. The place is like 30 minutes away, and I left like 20 minutes from when I was supposed to be there, but luckily I hauled ass in my Cangry and was only one minute late and they still honored me.

The taste test was for Cool Ranch Doritos.


The first one tasted good at first, but then suddenly had a bland after taste: "Hmmmmm...".


The second one tasted just right! With a nice zest, and a creamy after taste! "MMMMMM!!!!"


The third one actually tasted a little wierd, like too creamy, or something, and the cream was a little rancid maybe!!! "OOOOOHHHHHGGGH!"


and the fourth one tasted like just so bland, like is this Diet Doritos or something? It didn't taste like anything but a plain damn chip :o( "BOOOOOOO!!!!!"

The wierdest thing was that they asked you such strange questions afterward. Like not only, did you like it? did it taste good? would you spend so many dollars on this fine product? But they also asked you 'do you feel adventurous? do you feel merry? do you want to jump off the Eiffel Tower?'

It was so wierd! It was like they were doing some PSYCHO-LOGICAL EXPERIENCE ON ME!!!

But it paid $30!!!

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