Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 14: Shoveled the walk

I may have shoveled some sh!t too, who the heck knows? Actually what I did was more like chiseling or chipping because there was this ice storm in Baltimore. I took this shovel and I was like "Assah! Assah! Assah!" slashing the ice with the side of it, then I would scoop it all off into the grass when it was in a bunch of chunks. I did it because I didn't want the mailman to fly ass over elbows and bust his coccyx when he was trying to collect my Netflix.

Other than that I didn't do a whole heck of a lot. It was one of those cabin fever snowdays. I did watch the episode where he makes all those tiny tigers:

I know its been a boring couple days, but I have a good activity tomorrow, I promise. I also have a good tip for you for being so patient: you know when you get a new pillow? And you look at it and you're like, "Ahh yes, my new pillow, throw it in the wash, maybe squirt it with some furbreeze, dry it in the drier with some drier sheets real nice and now its all mine, just one final step to make it as comfortable as it can possibly be, to snip, snip, snip off that big white irritating tag" ... DON'T!!! While it may seem like a good idea, that tag was holding in a bunch of fuzz, and now next thing you know its going to look like a sheep has been walking around your room shedding his bahh-bahh fur everywhere, and your pillow will get flatter and flatter. If you MUST tear off that tag, take a pair of really sharp scissors and cut the tag off like a few centimeters ABOVE where it connects to the pillow. If you tear out that connector there will be a big hole. And there you have it.

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