Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 6: Took the Island Lap

No not on a real island silly! The Wii Fit island!!! I know, its pathetic. I don't like running around outside when its real cold out because my throat hurts real bad for like two hours later and I have to cough a lot, and my skins sweats and then gets all cold and then it itches like crazy for two days. And I'm starting to feel real lazy while eating a bunch of chili watching football and farting like crazy instead of exercising. So I cracked down and ran all the way around the island. I chased around some dog and saw all these other Miis waving and falling over and stuff. I did it at like 2 a.m., so my brother probably was stirred from his sleep and thought I was 'working out' or something with all that ridiculous running in place. I put the Wii-mote sideways in my hooded sweatshirt pocket, and it was acting all bizarre, one minute it said I was sprinting too fast, and the next it slowed all down even though I felt like I was running the same pace the whole time. It wasn't a very effective workout.

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