Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 8: Dined at Bob Heavens

Now I know what you're thinking. Bob Heavens: does he mean Bob Evans? No, I mean Bob HEAVENS. Cause to me Bob Evans is Heaven. Everyone knows your name. They bring you fine iced T with raspberry flavor, warm, WARM biscuits, baked potato cheddar SOUP, and fine greetings and comforting smiles. And then you look around you and you see all your friendly neighbors and colleagues. It's like the old town dining hall. It's like Anytown U.S.A. cafeteria banquet room. Look over there, why its Sheriff Bill, who coaches the local football club. Why who's that enjoying some Bob-B-Q? It's Farmer Tom. Now Tom how is your son who joined the Navy? And over there, might that be Postman Dick? How did your wife's award winning blueberry pie do, Dick, in the local town fairre?

I dined with father and brothers. I enjoyed a Wildfire Chicken Salad with the aforementioned soup and rolls and iced T. I enjoyed looking at a picture of the Bob Evans Christmas party at some local athletics pub. It reminded me of this for some reason. Even though all the people were wearing Orioles hats and stuff and sports was on in the background. I kind of wished that I had been invited to the Bob Evans Christmas party. And if eating there once a week was not enough, then I almost wish I had worked there in the year prior, so that I would have been ensured an invitation to the Bob Evans Christmas party. In the picture, everyone was there: managers, waiters, cooks, dishwashers. My office didn't even have a Christmas party. I'll bet they toasted each other with a draught beer and buffaloed wing for their hard work, and camaraderie, and their teamwork to please so many good folks with a warm meal.

They also have all these down home, hodown, back home, country folk wooden signs that you can hang in your laundry room and they say fine, wholesome, country slogans like 'I love my family cause without family what've you got but a buncha politicians' and 'A house without a good country farmdog is like a farm without a good house countryhuman' and 'I ain't gettin' older, the earth is just gettin' younger' and 'I ain't gettin' fat I just like to eat wholesome country meals and you're sickly'
And the signs cost $8.95 and they're made in Bangladesh.

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