Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 45: Took a Web's shot of that Ace of Cakes place

I had to help a friend move at 9 a.m. (ON A SATURDAY!!!??? WTF???) I got there at like 9:15 which was a minor miracle, and all the moving was pretty much done, 'cause she had like a Baker's Dozen of Busy Bees helping her move, and a lot more of them were more industrious than me, or what word means waking up earlier and keeping your promise of being there at 9 a.m. and not 9:15 a.m.?

Anywayz, afterwords we were like 'whatever, lets grab some lunch, let's just grab it.' and so we went to Dizzy Issies, or as it's called by it's new name 'ISYS.'

I saw that Ace of Space place and took this web shotz of it. Some curley haired lady was walking in and I think she may have been one of the starz of the show.

'Just tie a silk sheet 'round your neck
And twist it 'til your face turns cherry red... '

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