Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Day 56: Got pulled over :o(

Beautiful, beautiful warning

WOW! That was one of those times where I was like "Well, I f*cked up this time. I'm finished" because I had several beers while playing kickball earlier in the evening. There's no way to explain this off, but if I needed to I would have stayed in the city instead of driving home. I knew I could drive safe, blah, blah, whatever...

Anyway, when I was like 500 yards from my house I see these flashing red and blues. At first I'm like, 'must be an amboolance, get out of its way.' Then I'm like 'No ambulance, John Law wants me to stop'

I pull over and I'm like here comes the dooey, thousands of bucks, jail time, etc., gotta change my life, wake up call, big trouble, etc.

The cop's like, 'know why I pulled you over?' 'no' 'speeding' 'oh' 'license and reg' ' here you go' then the waiting game. I'm just sitting there like 'how f*cked am I? Here comes the sobriety test, will I pass?' a few minutes pass and here he comes with the verdict, judge, jury and executioner.

'I'm gonna write you a warning'

The six (or seven or eight depending on if 'I am' and 'going to' are multiple words) sweetest words I've ever heard.

No speeding ticket, no nothing. Off the hook.

Apparently I was going 49 in a 30.

I won't forget this anytime soon.

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