Sunday, March 15, 2009

Day 60: Stopped at the Delaware House

Thanks to for this photo which I stole without permission but I'm giving you credit now and no one reads this blog anyway.

I needed a rest stop, too, because I was nodding off behind the wheel. I had to sit on a toilet that for some reason was like two-inches above the floor and the slob before me had sprayed piss all over and it seemed like there were people playing tackle football in the stalls around me so I couldn't really relax and let it flow out of my bottom.

I opted for Roy Rogers which is still one of my favorites and you don't see them that often. I like how they have the holster of fries, and how you get this plain jane burger and then bring it over to the Fixin's Bar and really jazz it up. Later I thought to myself that when I got my burger I should have said to the cashier "I'm fixin to go use the Fixins Bar." Some guy was actually making a salad from the Fixins Bar onto his Sbarros plate. I thought my dad was the only person who did that. I also enjoyed a Mello Yello as my drink.

I added ketchup, mustard, manonaise, horseradish, barbecue sauce, pickles, tomatoes and onions and it was really good while I was driving my Camry with my knees.

It's a good thing I enjoyed the Delaware House one last time when I still had the chance. There are too many Burger Kings at rest stops already.

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