Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 48: Sold that item on eBay!

I had forgotten all about it.

I got an email saying that it had sold for $2.00.

Hmm, I'm not sure what to think. I guess it sold at market price. Unfortunately my whole 'FREE SHIPPING' gimmick may have backfired, 'cause I think it's going to cost at least $2.00 to ship. Maybe I could slip it into the outgoing mail bin at work and have it shipped for free after all. But then I might get fired for misuse of company postage.

The real lesson here is that selling crap on eBay isn't as glamorous as those GetRichQuick infomercials would have you believe.

My first daydream when selling that tape was that it would actually be some extremely rare collectible that would generate a bidding war into the hundreds of dollars.

Considering how well my craigslist posting is doing, maybe it was enough of an achievement that this stupid tape sold at all.

POSTSCRIPT: PayPal charged like .35 cents to accept payment and it costs $2 and change to ship, so it ended up costing me .77 to sell that dumb tape.

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