Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 46: Ate at the Sea Hut Inn

They were out of everything the (sultry) waitress warned us. Oysters? Out. Crabs? Out. Flounder? Out. Haddock? Out.

You might as well call it the Land Hut Inn, I joked to myself later.

Fried chicken was in, and at only $8.95 for the fried chicken dinner (three pieces, cole slaw, fries, and a roll) it was a bargain. I added a side salad with french dressing ($2.95 and a good size!) for some roughage, and a pitcher of beer ($6.95) to wash it down. All in all, an excellent bargain.

My brothers swore that their fried chicken was great, in fact my older brother said it was the best he had ever had (!!!) I think he was just trying to make time with the sultry waitress though, because mine was underdeveloped and dry. It reminded me of when Clark tried to cut into the turkey and smoke comes out and it deflates.

The place has great atmosphere with this crazy indoor tiki bar that has like its own roof, but its inside the restaurant, and the slaw and fries were really good. From where our booth was you could even watch the TVs inside the bar area. And it has its own internet jute box.

I think at some point the sultry waitress said that she was in the Kim's Karate commercial as the little girl that goes "Nobody bothers me!" But she was so sultry that none of us could work up the nerve to ask her if that was true. (Editors note: We could have sworn that it was Kim's Karate, but it seems that it was actually Jhoon Rhee Karate)

1 comment:

  1. Nope, i'ts not true. But please come back and try the fried oysters... they're my favorite!!!
