Saturday, January 31, 2009

Day 16: Standed on the dirt where Mark Teixeira played first base in high school

I was actually at Mount St. Joseph to watch a high school fighting match. But as I was walking up to the gymnasium, I realized I was walking past the baseball field. And I was like "Hey that's where Mark ToShareA, that big Yankees hot shot, played baseball. So I walked down there and stood at first base, and then I started to slip on some ice and I was like "Whoo, whoa, whoo, whoa-whoa!" as I windmilled my arms, and I walked back to the road. At least that's where he played baseball if they didn't reconfigure the field or relocate it since then. The field wasn't very impressive, maybe it was the JayVee field or something. But either way this counts as a different thing, cause if it wasn't where he played then my different thing was walked on a baseball field.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


I told you it would be something good. P.S. For those of you who never said I'd make it this far: like rottedbody666 and psychokopter2001 and sexsexsexxxxtriplexxx6969. In your face. You never believed in me. You NEVER EVER believed in me, and now it's just in your damn face: so suck it.

So today I took a taste test. The place was just full of exciting Topp Seekrets, so I couldn't take any spy pictures inside with my cel phone, but I did manage to snap these covert ops as I was escaping the fecility.

First off, I thought it was going to be canceled cause of a mix up where they say they're closed if schools are canceled, and schools were canceled, but they said they were still open. The place is like 30 minutes away, and I left like 20 minutes from when I was supposed to be there, but luckily I hauled ass in my Cangry and was only one minute late and they still honored me.

The taste test was for Cool Ranch Doritos.


The first one tasted good at first, but then suddenly had a bland after taste: "Hmmmmm...".


The second one tasted just right! With a nice zest, and a creamy after taste! "MMMMMM!!!!"


The third one actually tasted a little wierd, like too creamy, or something, and the cream was a little rancid maybe!!! "OOOOOHHHHHGGGH!"


and the fourth one tasted like just so bland, like is this Diet Doritos or something? It didn't taste like anything but a plain damn chip :o( "BOOOOOOO!!!!!"

The wierdest thing was that they asked you such strange questions afterward. Like not only, did you like it? did it taste good? would you spend so many dollars on this fine product? But they also asked you 'do you feel adventurous? do you feel merry? do you want to jump off the Eiffel Tower?'

It was so wierd! It was like they were doing some PSYCHO-LOGICAL EXPERIENCE ON ME!!!

But it paid $30!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 14: Shoveled the walk

I may have shoveled some sh!t too, who the heck knows? Actually what I did was more like chiseling or chipping because there was this ice storm in Baltimore. I took this shovel and I was like "Assah! Assah! Assah!" slashing the ice with the side of it, then I would scoop it all off into the grass when it was in a bunch of chunks. I did it because I didn't want the mailman to fly ass over elbows and bust his coccyx when he was trying to collect my Netflix.

Other than that I didn't do a whole heck of a lot. It was one of those cabin fever snowdays. I did watch the episode where he makes all those tiny tigers:

I know its been a boring couple days, but I have a good activity tomorrow, I promise. I also have a good tip for you for being so patient: you know when you get a new pillow? And you look at it and you're like, "Ahh yes, my new pillow, throw it in the wash, maybe squirt it with some furbreeze, dry it in the drier with some drier sheets real nice and now its all mine, just one final step to make it as comfortable as it can possibly be, to snip, snip, snip off that big white irritating tag" ... DON'T!!! While it may seem like a good idea, that tag was holding in a bunch of fuzz, and now next thing you know its going to look like a sheep has been walking around your room shedding his bahh-bahh fur everywhere, and your pillow will get flatter and flatter. If you MUST tear off that tag, take a pair of really sharp scissors and cut the tag off like a few centimeters ABOVE where it connects to the pillow. If you tear out that connector there will be a big hole. And there you have it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 13: Exchanged quarters for new ones

Today I had to work all day so there was no chance to do anything good, so around 10:30 p.m. I went into the lunch room and put all the quarters in my pocket into the soda machine and hit the coin return to exchange them (it doesn't give you the same quarter back).
On the first try this is what I got:

Cow (Wisconsin) = space shuttle (Florida)
Statue of liberty (New York) = eagle
eagle = eagle
Tree (Connecticut) = eagle
Old building (Maryland) = buffalo (Kansas)

All the old eagle ones were boring (the oldest one was 1967) so I decided to try again with those. If you're wondering why I didn't get anything out of the lunch machine with the quarters it's because it's a rip off. 90 cents for a packet of crisps? Come on.

On the next attempt I got:

1967 eagle = horses galloping in the sunset (best one yet! Nevada)
1978 eagle = lady statue (Pennsylvania...boring)
1997 eagle = 1989 eagle

1989 was almost more boring than 1997, so I decided to try that one again:

1989 = a lovely sparrow (Oklahoma)


Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 12: Shot some hoops...

No biggie. I just f*cked around and got a triple double. (fast forward to 1:15)

Seriously though, I was just playing basketball...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Day 11: Ate lunch at CiCis

And my stomach is still cranky. They say it's "just five bucks" or "just a little more than five bucks" or whatever, but be prepared to spend ten. It's $5.99, at least near my house, plus a drink, which is $1.79, plus taxes (.47), so now you're at $8.25. Then they have these Yoogie-OH! games and fun little vend machines (I got a cool Arizona Cardinals charm for my cell phone) that you'll be dying to spend all your quarters on.
They had this pop-a-shot game called Hoop Fever. I didn't play it, but I made the joke to my brothers that when I got home I was going to have POOP Fever!
I spent an additional $2, putting me at $10.25 on the day. I shouldn't have brought all those quarters with me, so I wasn't so tempted, but even if you say that, you're still gonna buy the drink. What are you gonna eat all this bready pizza and then have dry mouth, or walk into the bathroom and drink out of the dirty sink when there's this delicious soda fountain right there? So it's definitely not five bucks, don't be fooled.
They had TVs showing sports which was nice. You start off with a salad. It's sort of a nice selection I guess, but don't expect like cottaged cheese and eggs and stuff like they have at the really nice salad bars. You can get like two kinds of lettuce, some plain jane pasta salad, basic vegetables, croutons, and a nice variety of dressings. You can make a decent salad.
Then the pasta is the real loser in the mix. It's like a mix between macaroni and rotini, and clearly no one eats it. The whole pan for the whole restaurant was the size of what like a family of four would eat for one dinner, and no one was eating it. You get two choices of sauce, red or white (I guess its supposed to be alfredo, but it tasted cheesier).
They have cheesy bread, which goes pretty fast, because it's actually good! I like to pour some of the red or white sauce on it! Next is the real moneymaker at CiCis: the pizza. Yeah the slices are kind of small, but they taste fine, and you can get like three of them on your plate and still have room for some other pasta or something. They have a real nice variety too. Some BBQ chicken, buffalo chicken, white pizza, jalapenos, macaroni and cheese pizza, you'll want to keep going up every few minutes to see whats out now. I was like, "With all these varieties, what's next? Egg Rolls Pizza?"
They also have dessert. One of them is just regular pizza with like cinnamon apples on it, that was OK, then they have like a sticky sweet bread thats kind of like a cinnabun. That was SO good!
They also had brownies but I didn't try it.

Day 10: Sang Kar-A-Okay!

I sang this song at this place. Some lady bought me a free beer for it, so it was worth it.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 9: Went to an indoor track meet

It's crazy cause its INDOOR but they're jumping in sand and throwing rocks all over the place and sprinting like wild, and even running and then vaulting on this giant pole and landing on a big mat. It's like they're doing all these things inside that their mom would be like "HEY IF YOU'RE GOING TO ACT ALL WILD LIKE THAT THEN GO OUTSIDE!" But they're allowed to do it for the thrill of competition.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Day 8: Dined at Bob Heavens

Now I know what you're thinking. Bob Heavens: does he mean Bob Evans? No, I mean Bob HEAVENS. Cause to me Bob Evans is Heaven. Everyone knows your name. They bring you fine iced T with raspberry flavor, warm, WARM biscuits, baked potato cheddar SOUP, and fine greetings and comforting smiles. And then you look around you and you see all your friendly neighbors and colleagues. It's like the old town dining hall. It's like Anytown U.S.A. cafeteria banquet room. Look over there, why its Sheriff Bill, who coaches the local football club. Why who's that enjoying some Bob-B-Q? It's Farmer Tom. Now Tom how is your son who joined the Navy? And over there, might that be Postman Dick? How did your wife's award winning blueberry pie do, Dick, in the local town fairre?

I dined with father and brothers. I enjoyed a Wildfire Chicken Salad with the aforementioned soup and rolls and iced T. I enjoyed looking at a picture of the Bob Evans Christmas party at some local athletics pub. It reminded me of this for some reason. Even though all the people were wearing Orioles hats and stuff and sports was on in the background. I kind of wished that I had been invited to the Bob Evans Christmas party. And if eating there once a week was not enough, then I almost wish I had worked there in the year prior, so that I would have been ensured an invitation to the Bob Evans Christmas party. In the picture, everyone was there: managers, waiters, cooks, dishwashers. My office didn't even have a Christmas party. I'll bet they toasted each other with a draught beer and buffaloed wing for their hard work, and camaraderie, and their teamwork to please so many good folks with a warm meal.

They also have all these down home, hodown, back home, country folk wooden signs that you can hang in your laundry room and they say fine, wholesome, country slogans like 'I love my family cause without family what've you got but a buncha politicians' and 'A house without a good country farmdog is like a farm without a good house countryhuman' and 'I ain't gettin' older, the earth is just gettin' younger' and 'I ain't gettin' fat I just like to eat wholesome country meals and you're sickly'
And the signs cost $8.95 and they're made in Bangladesh.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day 7: Put air in my tires!

I was just gassing up at the old service station when I was like: 'hey, ya know, I haven't checked the old wheels in awhile, lemme break out the old tire pressure gauge. So I reached into the old glovebox and gave it a grab. Yikes! The ol' rear driver side wheel was at ten PSI!!! I don't want to be hydroplaning around or doing sick fishtales all over the place unless its MY call...
So I got 4-for-1 (quarters) and pulled that hose out (its so annoying how it always wants to recoil itself and you have to PIN it down with one hand or leg) and three minutes is NOT ENOUGH. I could only do three tires but at least I got the one up from 10 PSI to like 32. Now I can drive wild again in my amazing Cangry.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Day 6: Took the Island Lap

No not on a real island silly! The Wii Fit island!!! I know, its pathetic. I don't like running around outside when its real cold out because my throat hurts real bad for like two hours later and I have to cough a lot, and my skins sweats and then gets all cold and then it itches like crazy for two days. And I'm starting to feel real lazy while eating a bunch of chili watching football and farting like crazy instead of exercising. So I cracked down and ran all the way around the island. I chased around some dog and saw all these other Miis waving and falling over and stuff. I did it at like 2 a.m., so my brother probably was stirred from his sleep and thought I was 'working out' or something with all that ridiculous running in place. I put the Wii-mote sideways in my hooded sweatshirt pocket, and it was acting all bizarre, one minute it said I was sprinting too fast, and the next it slowed all down even though I felt like I was running the same pace the whole time. It wasn't a very effective workout.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 5: Watched an ice hockey game

I watched Long Reach play Glenelg in Maryland Scholastic Hockey League action at the Columbia ice rink. Glenelg won 5-2 by scoring three times in the third period. Those kids sure were wild, crashing into each other on skates. And it was cold in there. They had these machines where you could put in some quarters to turn the heat on the stands. That was pretty entrepreneurial of them, I thought. They also had some pretty good video games and a snack bar. If I was a kid I would just save my quarters for that and deal with the cold.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Day 4: Chopped firewood in the meadow

My parents are out of town and they asked that one of my brothers or I stop in and make sure that everything was on the level at the house. While I was there I stole a bunch of food. I also borrowed their crock pot and a bag of prepackaged meatballs that I could make later for our AFC playoff gathering. I felt like I should do something in return for all the food I stole, so I went back into the meadow with a hatchet and started swinging away at some logs. It counted as my exercise for the day. The firewood ring was already about halfway full, so I only had to chop about half a dozen logs to finish the chore. My parents weren't going to eat all that junk anyway.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 3: Dumped egg nog down a storm drain

There was still egg nog left over from the holidays. It was starting to turn pink. I dumped it down a storm drain. It didn't smell bad, and it was still pretty thin, so I bet it would have been somewhat OK to drink, but its probably for the best. I bet it didn't kill any fish or anything in the Chesapeake Bay, so I don't feel bad.

Day 2: Inhorted pepper

You know how in all those cartoons if they sniff pepper they sneeze? Well i gave that a test at Jennings. They call it a cafe, but its not some coffee shop with biscottis.
So I decided to test the theory if pepper makes you sneeze. First I smelled it through those little holes. No sneeze. Next neighbor Tim took the lid off and I smelled it really bad. Still no sneeze. Neighbor Tim said, 'you need to sniff so bad that it makes I noise.' I sniffed SO BAD. Still no sneeze. Finally, I poured some into my hand and sniffed it so bad that the pepper went way into my nose and never came back. It felt like there was something in my nose, sometimes it felt like there was a gentle cigarette ash way up in my nose, but still no sneeze. This myth? Equals busted on the internet!!! Pepper doesn't make you sneeze.

P.S. I had Braunschweiger with plus onions...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day 1: Wierd road

I drove on this weird road where I saw all these old hunter houses and then I saw some houses that it looked like the Baltimore Ravens must live in. Once I took a wrong turn and I had to turn around in the parking lot of this little tavern by the side of the road. I almost wanted to go in there and blow the froth off of one and see if they were playing Keno or Big Buck Hunter, but I was already running late...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


OK. Lately I've noticed that I've been doing the same things over and over again each day, so I'm going to start trying to do Something Different Everyday. Like going to eat at an all-you-can-eat Spaghetti Dinner at a church, or going into a used book store, or practicing juggling four items instead of three, or starting a fish tank, or marking my height on the inside of a door frame, or starting a web cam, or posting a video to the Web, or whatever. Each day I'll post the different thing that I did that day, and describe how it went. If it's 11:59 and I haven't done anything different yet, I'll just run outside and do a barrel roll down a hill or something. That day my blog might not come until like 12:35 of the next day. Maybe this will end up like that thing where the guy traded a red paper clip for a sailboat or something.

My first goal is to see if I can do this for 30 days. Maybe you can post ideas for things for me to do. And please say stuff like go get a sample of ice cream from Baskins Robbins or something instead of sit on your thumb and rotate.

Today's thing: started this blog.