Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day 91: Filed my taxes

Thanks for the art Simpsons Gallery! An awesome site.

On the last day, the great American way. I made about five and a half hunskies. Not bad.

Since I didn't have much time I didn't bother with trying to trick the deductions by saying I had a home office and my car got broken into and I donated a bunch of ratty old shirts to Good Will and I volunteered by giving blood and all that sh!t. The standard deduction always ends up being more anyway. So I just took the standard, and I'm pretty pleased. I even tried doing the Earned Income Tax Credit, but I used some online calculator and they said you're too rich, and I was like, oh yeah, try telling my stomach that since it had five hot dogs in a row with A1 all over them as a steak dinner.

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