Thursday, April 2, 2009

Day 78: Watched guys burgle one of those clothes donation dumpsters

You know those things that look like dumpsters that say 'World Peace Donations' or 'Donate your clothes here for worlds of peace for the needy'?

I saw three guys standing around one with a laundry basket and the laundry basket was full of clothes. I know what you're thinking: 'oh he's racist (even though I never even said they were chinese), maybe they were just donating clothes to it, or maybe they worked for 'worlds for needy donations peace'.

Well, here's how I knew they were burgling it: it was 12:30 a.m., and one of the guys was halfway in it with his legs dangling out of the slot where you dump the shit in.

OK, if you were really a devils advocate you could say: 'maybe they went there to donate, and he actually donated his car keys or something that he didn't mean to donate and he was just getting it back.'

Oh come on...

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