Saturday, April 11, 2009

Day 86: Peed in the ladies room

I have proof in the picture cause of the flowers. Before you think I'm some slob, the bar OWNER told me to pee in the ladies room.

I was waiting in line for the mans room and he walked past and was like 'go in the ladies room' and I was like 's'rously?' and he was like 'fa'real' and so what was I going to do?

It was still funny though cause when I was in their peeing I hear these girls like 'OH MY GOD THAT GUY JUST WENT IN THE WOMEN'S ROOM. SER'OUSLY FA'REAL THAT GUY JUST WENT IN THE WOMEN'S ROOM.'

I was real careful any way cause I lifted the seat and aimed dead center for the bowl and even though none splashed on the rim I STILL wiped it down with TP.

When I walked out those gossipy girls turned their backs, but I held my head high.

There's a long story about why he let me pee in the ladies room, where my brother couldn't hold his liquor and broke the glass in the men's room like a year ago, and we came back in and tried to apologize and pay him for it, and he was still mad, and we keep coming there, and now I think he feels bad about when he was still mad cause we've been good paying customers, and etc., and he also gave us free nachos. I made sure to tip them well, and I just wish my brother had never broken the glass, he always seems to end up in situations like that. But it's cool now.

The place is called Quigleys and you should patronize them cause it's a good place, with good people and good values and prices and food.

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